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Matěj Daniel

Matěj Daniel


Matěj Daniel




Matěj grewup in a small village called Hlubočinka near Prague (Czech Republic). He movedto Scotland in 2019 to pursue an MSci in Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry atthe University of Glasgow. During his undergraduate studies, he completed aone-year placement at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (SaudiArabia), working on light-promoted nickel-catalysed amination of aryl bromidesunder the supervision of Prof Magnus Rueping. His master’s project wasundertaken in Dr Drew Thomson’s group, focusing on minimal coiled coils. In2024, Matěj joined the Burley group for his PhD, which aims to establish achemical biological proteomic platform to profile mitochondrial-based diseases.

Matěj grewup in a small village called Hlubočinka near Prague (Czech Republic). He movedto Scotland in 2019 to pursue an MSci in Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry atthe University of Glasgow. During his undergraduate studies, he completed aone-year placement at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (SaudiArabia), working on light-promoted nickel-catalysed amination of aryl bromidesunder the supervision of Prof Magnus Rueping. His master’s project wasundertaken in Dr Drew Thomson’s group, focusing on minimal coiled coils. In2024, Matěj joined the Burley group for his PhD, which aims to establish achemical biological proteomic platform to profile mitochondrial-based diseases.

Current position:

Personal Facts

Matěj loves playing squash for the university club as it provides a great chance to get to know interesting parts of the West of Scotland. He also enjoys playing golf in the country where it originated, even though the weather does not make it too easy. He likes to explore the great Scottish outdoors, bagging Munros at a slow but steady pace.

Professional Awards

Researcher's Publications

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