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Dr. Alexander Axer

Dr. Alexander Axer




Alexander was born in Bonn (Germany) and obtained his Master degree at the University of Münster(WWU) in 2015 supervised by Professor Ryan Gilmour. After a research stay at the University of Oxford working with Professor Stuart Conway, he received aCiM-IMPRS Ph.D. fellowship of the Max Planck Institute and continued his doctoral studies in Münster under the supervision of Prof. Ryan Gilmour and Prof. Michael Schäfers at the WWU in the field of sugar chemistry and radioactive fluorination. After being awarded his Dr. rer. Nat in 2019, Alex remained in the Gilmour lab for a short postdoctoral research stay focusing on the synthesis of complex carbohydrate scaffolds. He joined the Burley group at the University of Strathclyde Glasgow in 2020 as a postdoctoral research associate working on the development of novel fluorinated phosphoramidites.

Alexander was born in Bonn (Germany) and obtained his Master degree at the University of Münster(WWU) in 2015 supervised by Professor Ryan Gilmour. After a research stay at the University of Oxford working with Professor Stuart Conway, he received aCiM-IMPRS Ph.D. fellowship of the Max Planck Institute and continued his doctoral studies in Münster under the supervision of Prof. Ryan Gilmour and Prof. Michael Schäfers at the WWU in the field of sugar chemistry and radioactive fluorination. After being awarded his Dr. rer. Nat in 2019, Alex remained in the Gilmour lab for a short postdoctoral research stay focusing on the synthesis of complex carbohydrate scaffolds. He joined the Burley group at the University of Strathclyde Glasgow in 2020 as a postdoctoral research associate working on the development of novel fluorinated phosphoramidites.

Current position:

Research Scientist Oligonucleoides at Bachem
Personal Facts

He loves football although repeated knee injuries of this athlete have impaired his ability to play as much as he’d like. If Alex grows a moustache he becomes almost indistinguishable from the video game character Mario. Catchphrase: if you ever say “sorry” to Alex, his answer will always be “you will be”.  

Professional Awards
  • 2021- Feodor Lynen Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
  • 2015- CiM-IMPRS Ph.D. fellowship of the Max-Planck-Institut für molekulareBiomedizin