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Otto Linden

Otto Linden




Otto grew up in the Forest of Dean (England), before moving to Sheffield to complete an MChem Chemistry course in 2019. His final year project involved the synthesis of novel saturated oxaborole compounds, under the supervision of Dr. Benjamin Partridge. In 2020, Otto moved to Glasgow to join the Burley group at the University of Strathclyde. His PhD research, as an iCASE student in partnership with GSK, focuses on the difluoromethylation of nucleosides and nucelic acid.

Otto grew up in the Forest of Dean (England), before moving to Sheffield to complete an MChem Chemistry course in 2019. His final year project involved the synthesis of novel saturated oxaborole compounds, under the supervision of Dr. Benjamin Partridge. In 2020, Otto moved to Glasgow to join the Burley group at the University of Strathclyde. His PhD research, as an iCASE student in partnership with GSK, focuses on the difluoromethylation of nucleosides and nucelic acid.

Current position:
Personal Facts

Outside of work, Otto has a keen interest in the great outdoors, particularly cycling, hiking and swimming in lochs. Otto likes to eat kiwis with the skin on for practical reasons, but don’t worry, he wipes them to remove the kiwi hair before hand (if that makes it sound any better to our readers).

Professional Awards

Researcher's Publications

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